7 July, 2021

أعمال الفنانة تانيا الخوري..تطرح أسئلة وتنتج معرفة

تستضيف ليانا صالح في هذه الحلقة من برنامج “ثقافة” الفنانة الحية تانيا الخوري التي تركز أعمالها التركيبة والادائية على تفاعل الجمهور. تناقش الفنانة عدة قضايا متعلقة بالحيز العام For the full interview in Arabic, click here.

7 July, 2021

Review: Gardens Speak by Tania El Khoury (SIFA 2021)

For the full review by Bakchormeeboy, click here.

7 July, 2021

Sifa 2021: Put your ear to the ground in a garden of the Syrian dead

“During the Syrian war, they were killed and buried in gardens. Now, the stories of these 10 ordinary people can be heard in Gardens Speak, a haunting sound installation by Lebanese-British artist Tania El Khoury. When the work comes to the Singapore International Festival of Arts (Sifa) in May, people at 222 Arts Club – just 10 of them each time – may place their heads on the ground to listen to these intimate narratives.” To read the full article by Toh Wen Li in The Straits Times, click here.

7 July, 2021

شجرة الثأر

نشرت في ميغافون تابع القراءة

17 May, 2021

Interview: Thinking About the Intersection Between Human Rights and the Arts by Katie Kheriji-Watts

In early 2021, Tania El Khoury and Ziad Abu-Rish relocated from Beirut to spearhead the Center for Human Rights and the Arts at Bard College. To read the full interview with Katie Kheriji-Watts, click here.

17 May, 2021

Panel on Intimate Performance

An introduction to the intimate performance of artists Jo Bannon, Tania El Khoury and Rosana Cade. Each artist introduces their artistic practice, with a specific focus on their intimate/one-to-one work, followed by a short Q&A. This talk took place over Zoom in January 2021, and was BSL interpreted. The talk and performance project was presented with partnership support from Contact Theatre and Islington Mill, and funded by Arts Council England.

17 May, 2021

“Creating Intimacy and Curating Borders”

Published in: Theater Keep reading…

17 May, 2021

Lavender Man is an online conversation between two artists Tania El Khoury and Mohamad Ali “Dali” Agrebi who have collaborated on three performances. Each performance happened in a different country and brought them closer. Their collaboration has changed their lives sometimes drastically and sometimes unintentionally. Lavender Man is a reflection on friendship, chosen families, the long effect of collaborative and community-based art, and the right of love and movement. The online screening of Lavender Man will be followed by a conversation between Tania El Khoury, Mohamad Ali “Dali” Agrebi, and Professor Harriet Hawkins. Commissioned and presented by performingborders and Foreign Actions Productions for PerformingbordersLIVE20. Supported by Live Art development Agency and Arts Council England.

4 March, 2021

Review: Your Arm Is a Canvas, in ‘As Far as Isolation Goes’

By Jess Green in the New York Times. What does it mean to be touched by art? That question lingered in my mind — and on my skin — after I experienced “As Far as Isolation Goes,” a one-on-one theatrical encounter devised by Tania El Khoury and Basel Zaraa. For full article, visit here.

31 October, 2020

IDS Lecture Series: Tania El Khoury

The IDS Public Lecture Series consists of lectures by artists, theorists, activists, designers, writers, curators and other practitioners involved in the arts from positions that embody an interdisciplinary approach or that imply new uses for disciplinary traditions. Each lecture is part of The Cooper Union’s Intra-Disciplinary Seminar (IDS). The seminar and series are organized by Leslie Hewitt and Omar Berrada.